english No.2

●Vol.1 No.2 November 1997 ●

■Special Publications: 22th Community Psychology Symposium■

123 About the symposium: TANAKA Fujio.
SPECIAL ISSUES:Research Trends on Enpowerment in Community Psychology
139 The editor’s preface: UEMURA Katsuhiko
141 Theory of empowerment: MISHIMA Ichiro
152 Measurement and assessment of empowerment: KADOMA Akiko
161 Practices of empowerment: HIRAKAWA Tadatoshi
168 On the concept of empowerment: YAMAMOTO Kazuo
170 Remarks on the special issues: MURAMOTO Kuniko

■Original Articles■

173 HIGASHIGUCHI Kazuyo, MORIKAWA Yuko and MIURA Katsuyuki et,al.: Changes in attitudes of medical students toward mental disorder through contact experiences: A case study on effects of the neuropsychiatric bedside training
187 KOSAKA Moritaka: practical study in e-mail consultation


199 SATO Chuji: Current anxiety on internet-community
201 ◆ Announcements
◆ Instructions to Contributor
◆ Associate Editors and Editorial Broad
◆ Commentary by the Edition