
1.Conferences and Committee Meetings

Conferences are held annually, where a series of research and practice relating to community psychology is reported in the form of individual presentations. Active exchanges and communications among members are also encouraged in the symposia and other sessions in the conferences. Concurrently with the conference, the committee meeting is also held annually, and members’ voices/inputs are surveyed and reflected into the development of and administration for the Japanese Society of Community Psychology (JSCP).  

2.Research meetings and workshops

Members organize research meetings and training sessions on the voluntary bases. Theories and current status of the community psychology are discussed though these meetings and sessions for development, and members bring their own research or practice reports in the workshops and/or discussion groups.  

3.Publications of the Japanese Journal of Community Psychology (JJCP)

Journal publication is one of the most important activities in the JSCP. Started in 1997 by the publication committee of community psychology and published twice a year, the JJCP is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to research and practice relating to community psychology. The journal publishes such articles as original papers, forums, and case reports.  

4.Publications of newsletters

The newsletter introduces the activities of JSCP and reports disused issues and information about the related organizations and professional associations, along with membership matters.  


Networking of domestic and international researchers, practitioners, and organizations of community psychology and related fields.